Journal Publications - Conference Publications - Other - MARSOL Publications
Horovitz, M., Muñoz-Vega, E., Knöller, K., Leitão, T.E., Schüth, C. & Schulz, S. (2024): Infiltration of secondary treated wastewater into an oxic aquifer: Hydrochemical insights from a large-scale sand tank experiment. - Water Research, 267, 122542. ⇒
Pérez-Illanes, R. & Fernàndez-Garcia, D. (2024): A general purpose parallel Fortran code for grid projected concentration reconstruction from multidimensional particle distributions. - Environmental Modelling & Software, 175, 106008. ⇒
Muñoz-Vega, E., Horovitz, M., Dönges, L., Schiedek, T., Schulz, S. & Schüth, C. (2024): Competitive sorption experiments reveal new regression models to predict PhACs sorption on carbonaceous materials. - Journal of Hazardous Materials, 471, 134239. ⇒
Sultana, R., Werban, U., Pohle, M. & Vienken, T. (2024): Introducing a tailored site delineation approach to optimize the design of managed aquifer recharge surface spreading infrastructure. - Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 25, 101169. ⇒
Pérez-Illanes, R., Saaltink, M.W. & Fernàndez-Garcia, D. (2024): Nonlinear Formulation of Multicomponent Reactive Transport With Species-Specific Dispersion Properties. - Water Resources Research, 60 (3), e2023WR036358. ⇒
Pérez-Illanes, R. & Fernàndez-Garcia, D. (2024): MODPATH-RW: A Random Walk Particle Tracking Code for Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Aquifers. - Groundwater, early view. ⇒
Fernández Escalante, E., Henao Casas, J.D. & Calero Gil, R. (2024): Water quality aspects from Spanish sites to support managed aquifer recharge (MAR) guidelines not based on maximum allowable concentration standards. - Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater, 13 (1), 55-74. ⇒
Pérez-Illanes, R., Sole-Mari, G. & Fernàndez-Garcia, D. (2024): Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for anisotropic dispersion in heterogeneous porous media. - Advances in Water Resources, 183, 104601. ⇒
Lippera, M.C., Werban, U. & Vienken, T. (2023): Application of physical clogging models to Managed Aquifer Recharge: a review of modelling approaches from engineering fields. - Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater, 12 (3), 9-20. ⇒
Fernández Escalante, E., Henao Casas, J.D., de Guerra, C.M., Maza Vera, M.D. & Valverde, C.M. (2023): Unintentional Recharge of Aquifers from Small Dams and Dykes in Spain: A GIS-Based Approach to Determine a Fractional Volume. - Earth 2023, 4 (3), 584-605. ⇒
Muñoz-Vega, E., Schulz, S., Rodriguez-Escales, P., Behle, V., Spada, L., Vogel, A.L., Sanchez-Vila, X. & Schüth, C. (2023): Role of Soil Biofilms in Clogging and Fate of Pharmaceuticals: A Laboratory-Scale Column Experiment. - Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 12398-12410. ⇒
Lippera, M.C., Werban, U. & Vienken T. (2023): Understanding and Predicting Physical Clogging at Managed Aquifer Recharge Systems: A Field-Based Modeling Approach. - Advances in Water Resources, 177, 104462. ⇒
Standen, K., Costa, L.R.D., Hugman, R. & Monteiro, J.P. (2023): Integration of Managed Aquifer Recharge into the water supply system in the Algarve region, Portugal. - Water, 15 (12), 2286, 23 p. ⇒
Wang, Y., Fernàndez-Garcia, D. & Saaltink, M.W. (2023): Modeling reactive multi-component multi-phase flow for Geological Carbon Sequestration (GCS) with Matlab. - Computers & Geosciences, 172, 105300. ⇒
Pérez-Illanes, R. & Fernàndez-Garcia, D. (2023): Multiprocessing for the Particle Tracking Model MODPATH. - Groundwater, 61 (5), 733-742. ⇒
Demichele, F., Micallef, F., Portoghese, I., Mamo, J.A., Sapiano, M., Schembri, M. & Schüth, C. (2023): Determining Aquifer Hydrogeological Parameters in Coastal Aquifers from Tidal Attenuation Analysis, Case Study: The Malta Mean Sea Level Aquifer System. - Water, 15 (1), 177, 21 p. ⇒
Lippera, M.C., Werban, U. & Vienken, T. (2022): Improving clogging predictions at managed aquifer recharge sites: a quantitative assessment on the vertical distribution of intrusive fines. - Hydrogeology Journal, 31, 71-86. ⇒
Henao Casas, J.D., Fernández Escalante, E., Gil, R.C. & Ayuga, F. (2022): Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Low-Regret Measure for Climate Change Adaptation: Insights from Los Arenales, Spain. - Water, 14 (22), 3703, 22 p. ⇒
Fernández Escalante, E., Henao Casas, J.D., Sauto, J.S.S. & Gil, R.C. (2022): Monitored and Intentional Recharge (MIR): A Model for Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) Guideline and Regulation Formulation. - Water, 14 (21), 3405, 23 p. ⇒
Henao Casas, J.D., Fernández Escalante, E. & Ayuga, F. (2022): Increasing groundwater storage and maintaining irrigation through managed aquifer recharge. - Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 19, 100842, 12 p. ⇒
Standen, K., Hugman, R. & Monteiro, J.-P. (2022): Decision-Support Groundwater Modelling of Managed Aquifer Recharge in a Coastal Aquifer in South Portugal. - Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 14 p. ⇒
Rudnik, G., Rabinovich, A., Siebner, H., Katz, Y. & Kurtzman, D. (2022): Exploring Predictive Uncertainty at a Double-Source Managed Aquifer Recharge Site via Stochastic Modeling. - Water Resources Research, 58 (5), 1-21. ⇒
Henao Casas, J.D., Fernández Escalante, E. & Ayuga, F. (2022): Alleviating drought and water scarcity in the Mediterranean region through managed aquifer recharge. - Hydrogeology Journal, 30, 1685-1699. ⇒
Caligaris, E., Agostini, M. & Rossetto, R. (2022): Using Heat as a Tracer to Detect the Development of the Recharge Bulb in Managed Aquifer Recharge Schemes. - Hydrology, 9 (1), 1-14. ⇒
Henao Casas, J.D., Kalwa, F., Walther, M. & Rausch, R. (2021): Stormwater harvesting in ephemeral streams: how to bypass clogging and unsaturated layers. - Hydrogeology Journal, 29, 1813-1830. ⇒
Standen, K., Costa, L.R.D. & Monteiro, J.-P. (2020): In-Channel Managed Aquifer Recharge: A Review of Current Development Worldwide and Future Potential in Europe. - Water, 12 (11), 3099, 1-28. ⇒
Fernández Escalante, E., Henao Casas, J.D., Vidal Medeiros, A.M. & Sauto, J.S.S. (2020): Regulations and guidelines on water quality requirements for Managed Aquifer Recharge. International comparison. - Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater, 9 (2), 7-22. ⇒
Fernández Escalante, E., Sauto, J.S.S. & Gil, R.C. (2019): Sites and Indicators of MAR as a Successful Tool to Mitigate Climate Change Effects in Spain. - Water, 11 (9), 1943, 1-18. ⇒
Horovitz, M., Muñoz-Vega, E., Leitão, T., Schüth, C. & Schulz, S. (2023): Managed Aquifer Recharge using Secondary Treated Wastewater - Insights from Large-scale Sand Tank Experiments on Water Quality. - Livro de Resumos do 16º Congresso da Água, 21-24 March 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, 128-129. ⇒ Book of Abstracts
Rudnik, G., Rabinovich, A., Katz, Y. & Kurtzman, D. (2023): Reactive transport modelling at a double source managed aquifer recharge (MAR) site. - From the heterogeneous subsurface to dynamic catchments: A symposium in honor of Gedeon Dagan's 90th birthday, Tel Aviv University, 10-12 January 2023, poster presentation.
Rudnik, G., Rabinovich, A., Katz, Y., Siebner, H. & Kurtzman, D. (2023): Comparing subsurface heterogeneity and hydro-meteorological variability as sources of uncertainty for mixing predictions in a managed aquifer recharge site. - From the heterogeneous subsurface to dynamic catchments: A symposium in honor of Gedeon Dagan's 90th birthday, Tel Aviv University, 10-12 January 2023, oral presentation by D. Kurtzman.
Lippera, M.C., Werban, U. & Vienken, T. (2022): Detection of clogging factors to enhance MAR operations. - SustainValencia2022, Valencia, Spain, Book of Abstracts, 45-46. ⇒ Book of Abstracts
Henao Casas, J.D., Fernández Escalante, E. & Ayuga, F. (2022): Enhancing infiltration rates in managed aquifer recharge systems through plants. - SustainValencia2022, Valencia, Spain, Book of Abstracts, p. 49. ⇒ Book of Abstracts
Henao Casas, J.D., Fernández Escalante, E. & Ayuga, F. (2022): Managed aquifer recharge: a no-regret climate change adaptation measure. - SustainValencia2022, Valencia, Spain, Book of Abstracts, p. 91. ⇒ Book of Abstracts
Sultana, R., Werban, U., Pohle, M., Rossetto, R. & Vienken, T. (2022): The investigation of river bed stratigraphy at Suvereto managed aquifer recharge (MAR) site: A case study. - SustainValencia2022, Valencia, Spain, Book of Abstracts, 127-128. ⇒ Book of Abstracts
Vlassopoulou, A., Perdikaki, M., Chrysanthopoulos, E., Schüth, C., Foglia, L. & Kallioras, A. (2022): Groundwater Modelling of Managed Aquifer Recharge facilities for the optimal management of coastal aquifer systems. - 7th IAHR Europe Congress, Athens, Greece, Abstract Book, 475-476. ⇒ Abstract
Caligaris, E.R., Rossetto, R., Schmidt, S. & Schüth, C. (2022): Monitoring short-term transient groundwater hydrochemical and hydrodynamics changes following the onset of an early dry season and hydrological drought period. - EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, EGU22-11520. ⇒
Demichele, F., Sapiano, M., Mamo, J., Portoghese, I. & Schembri, M. (2022): Spatial-temporal dynamics of salinity profiles measured in the freshwater lens system of the Malta Mean Sea Level Aquifer (MSLA). - EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, EGU22-4894. ⇒
Lippera, M.C., Werban, U., Rossetto, R. & Vienken, T. (2022): Development of a novel approach to assess the risk of physical clogging at managed aquifer recharge sites. - EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, EGU22-5036. ⇒
Sultana, R., Werban, U. & Vienken, T. (2022): Groundwater recharge using a subsurface irrigation system: A technical feasibility study. - EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, EGU22-4515. ⇒
Behle, V., Rodríguez-Escales, P. & Sanchez-Vila, X. (2022): The Role of Biofilm on the Fate of Emerging Organic Compounds: Numerical Modelling of Column Experiments. - EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, EGU22-1779. ⇒
Muñoz-Vega, E., Spada, L., Schulz, S. & Schüth, C. (2022): Role of soil biofilms in the transport processes of emerging organic contaminants: A laboratory experimental study. - EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, EGU22-8720. ⇒
Horovitz, M., Muñoz-Vega, E., Leitão, T., Schüth, C. & Schulz, S. (2022): Large-scale tank experiments simulating soil aquifer treatment – Assessing the attenuation potential of emerging organic compounds and nutrients during managed aquifer recharge. - EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, EGU22-12751. ⇒
Leitão, T., Lobo Ferreira, J.P., Martins, T.N., Oliveira, M.M. & Horovitz, M. (2022): Managed Aquifer Recharge: A solution to mitigate water scarcity also in Portugal. - Book of abstracts, 13º Seminário sobre Águas Subterrâneas, Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos (APRH), Lisboa, Abril 2022, p. 161-166. ⇒ Book of Abstracts
Standen, K., Monteiro, J.P., Costa, L. & Hugman, R. (2022): Water availability for managed aquifer recharge in the Campina de Faro Aquifer – Vale do Lobo Sector. - Book of abstracts, 13º Seminário sobre Águas Subterrâneas, Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos (APRH), Lisboa, Abril 2022, p. 15-20. ⇒ Book of Abstracts
Standen, K., Monteiro, J.P., Costa, L. & Hugman, R. (2022): River-Aquifer Interactions in the Campina de Faro Aquifer. - Book of abstracts, 13º Seminário sobre Águas Subterrâneas, Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos (APRH), Lisboa, Abril 2022, p. 113-117. ⇒ Book of Abstracts
Rudnik, G., Rabinovitch, A., Siebner, H., Katz, Y. & Kurtzman, D. (2022): Assessing predictions’ uncertainty at a multi-source Managed Aquifer Recharge site using stochastic modelling: the Menashe System, Israel. - Abstracts book, 11th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, ISMAR 11, Long Beach, California, USA, p. 89. ⇒ Abstracts book
Standen, K., Hugman, R., Costa, L. & Monteiro, J.-P. (2022): Evaluating MAR to improve an over-exploited aquifer in the Algarve region, Portugal. - Abstracts book, 11th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, ISMAR 11, Long Beach, California, USA, p. 108. ⇒ Abstracts book
Henao Casas, J.D., Fernández Escalante, E. & Ayuga, F. (2022): Managed aquifer recharge: a no-regret climate change adaptive measure. - Abstracts book, 11th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, ISMAR 11, Long Beach, California, USA, p. 67-68. ⇒ Abstracts book
Horovitz, M., Muñoz-Vega, E., Leitão, T., Schüth, C. & Schulz, S. (2022): Large-scale tank experiments simulating soil aquifer treatment - attenuation of emerging organic compounds and water quality changes. - Abstracts book, 11th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, ISMAR 11, Long Beach, California, USA, p. 98. ⇒ Abstracts book
Henao Casas, J.D., Fernández Escalante, E. & Ayuga, F. (2022): MAR to Mitigate Aquifer Exploitation: Insights from Los Arenales Aquifer (Spain). - Abstracts book, 11th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, ISMAR 11, Long Beach, California, USA, p. 74. ⇒ Abstracts book
Fernández Escalante, E., Henao Casas, J.D. & Sauto, J.S.S.S. (2022): Monitored and Intentional Recharge (MIR). Methodological approach and guidelines. - Abstracts book, 11th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, ISMAR 11, Long Beach, California, USA, p. 75-76. ⇒ Abstracts book
Pérez, R., Sole-Mari, G. & Fernandez-Garcia, D. (2021): Diffusive Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Reactive Transport with Conservative Components in Heterogeneous Aquifers. - AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, 13-17 December 2021, id. H45A-09. ⇒ Abstract
Sanchez-Vila, X., Behle, V., Rodriguez-Escales, P., Muñoz, E. & Schueth, C. (2021): The Role of Biofilm on the Fate of Emerging Organic Compounds: Numerical Modelling of Column Experiments. - AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, 13-17 December 2021, id. H45A-03. ⇒ Abstract
Henao Casas, J.D., Fernández Escalante, E. & Ayuga, F. (2021): Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) as a tool to mitigate aquifer overexploitation: insights from Los Arenales Aquifer (Spain). - GeoKarlsruhe 2021 - Sustainable Earth - from Processes to Resources, Karlsruhe, Germany. ⇒ Conference Agenda
Henao Casas, J.D., Fernández Escalante, E. & Ayuga, F. (2021): La recarga gestionada de acuíferos como herramienta para mitigar su sobreexplotación: conclusiones del Acuífero de Los Arenales (España). - XVIII Congreso Colombiano de Geología, Medellín, Colombia.
Rudnik, G., Rabinovich, A., Siebner, H., Katz, Y. & Kurtzman, D. (2021): Exploring predictive uncertainty at a double-source managed aquifer recharge site via stochastic modelling. - Annual Conference of the Israeli Water Resources Assocciation, 27 October 2021, Zichron-Yaakov.
Costa, L., Hugman, R.T., Stigter, T., Monteiro, J.P. & Standen, K. (2021): Assessing the Impact of Human Activity, Managed Aquifer Recharge and Climate Change Scenarios on Groundwater Nitrate in South Portugal. - 48th IAH Congress, Brussels, Belgium, ⇒ Book of Abstracts, p. 254-255.
Demichele, F., Micallef, F.B., Portoghese, I., Mamo, J., Sapiano, M. & Schembri, M. (2021): Determining Aquifer Hydrogeological Parameters in Coastal Aquifers from Tidal Attenuation Analysis. Case Study: The Malta Mean Sea Level Aquifer System. - 48th IAH Congress, Brussels, Belgium, ⇒ Book of Abstracts, p. 130.
Lippera, M.C., Werban, U., Grün, H. & Vienken, T. (2021): Towards a Better Understanding of Physical Clogging Processes Encountered at MAR Sites. - 48th IAH Congress, Brussels, Belgium, ⇒ Book of Abstracts, p. 135-136.
Sapiano, M., Mamo, J., Ellul, N., Demichele, F., Debattista, H., Caputo, M.C., de Carlo, L. & Portoghese, I. (2021): Assessing the Economic Value of Managed Aquifer Recharge. Case Study: MAR Scheme in the Pwales Groundwater Body – Malta. - 48th IAH Congress, Brussels, Belgium, ⇒ Book of Abstracts, p. 134.
Standen, K., Hugman, R. & Monteiro, J.P. (2021): Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Solution for an Over‐Exploited Aquifer in South Portugal: Development of a Decision‐Support Groundwater Model. - 48th IAH Congress, Brussels, Belgium, ⇒ Book of Abstracts, p. 84-85.
Sultana, R., Werban, U. & Vienken, T. (2021): Investigation of Subsurface Heterogeneity and its Relevance for Successful Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) Operation. - 48th IAH Congress, Brussels, Belgium, ⇒ Book of Abstracts, p. 160-161.
Rudnik, G., Rabinovich, A., Siebner, H., Katz, Y. & Daniel Kurtzman, D. (2021): Exploring predictive uncertainty at a double-source Managed Aquifer Recharge site via stochastic modelling. - First Symposium of InterPore Israel National Chapter, Tel Aviv University, 1. July 2021, poster presentation.
Fernández Escalante, E., Sauto, J.S.S., Henao Casas, J.D. & Gil, R.C. (2021): Propuesta de un sistema de evaluación de impactos para dispositivos de recarga gestionada de acuíferos en España y soluciones tecnológicas en forma de binomios Problema-Solución (P-S). - Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente, Conama 2020, Madrid, Spain.
Sauto, J.S.S., Fernández Escalante, E., Henao Casas, J.D. & Gil, R.C. (2021): La recarga gestionada de acuíferos en España. Previsiones en materia de planificación y gobernanza en el corto plazo. - Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente, Conama 2020, Madrid, Spain.
Rudnik, G., Katz, Y., Rabinovich, A. & Kurtzman, D. (2020): Quantifying Sources of Uncertainty of Managed Aquifer Recharge with Desalinated Seawater via Stochastic Numerical Modelling of Flow and Transport. - ⇒ GWRI 2020 Graduate Student Conference, December 13, 2020, Grand Water Research Institute, Technion, Haifa, Israel, ⇒ Abstract Book p. 41.
Caligaris, E. & Rossetto, R. (2020): Arsenic and Boron Hydrogeochemistry behaviour during Managed Aquifer Recharge Operations. - EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-15774. ⇒
Kurtzman, D. & Guttman, J. (2020): Filling the “old” aquifer with water from new sources: A perspective on Managed Aquifer Recharge in Israel. - EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-13605. ⇒
Kallioras, A., Chrysanthopoulos, E., Mitropapas, A., Floros, E., Nalbadi, S., Seferou, P., Pouliaris, C. & Markantonis, K. (2020): Water resources management of coastal semi-arid environments using Managed Aquifer Recharge and participatory modelling approaches. - EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-21536. ⇒
Lippera, M.C. (2024): Advancing knowledge and prediction of physical clogging to enhance the long-term infiltration capacity of Managed Aquifer Recharge sites in response to accelerating water demand and scarcity. - Dissertation thesis, Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit, Technische Universität München (TUM). ⇒
Pérez Illanes, R.A. (2024): Particle methods for reactive transport modeling in heterogeneous aquifers. - Dissertation, Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona. ⇒
Demichele, F. (2023): Hydrogeological and Geochemical Modelling of a seawater intrusion barrier in a coastal/island groundwater body. - Dissertation, Department of Material and Earth Sciences, TU Darmstadt. ⇒
Caligaris, E.R. (2023): Hydroinformatics and monitoring for investigating groundwater quality changes in Managed Aquifer Recharge. - Thesis Dottorato, Istituto di Scienze della Vita, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa. ⇒
Henao Casas, J.D. (2023): Managed aquifer recharge as a low-regret measure for climate change adaptation. - Thesis (Doctoral), E.T.S. de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). ⇒
Henao Casas, J.D., Fernández Escalante, E. & Gil, R.C. (2022): La estandarización e interoperabilidad como tecnologías TIC facilitadoras de la recarga gestionada de acuíferos. - Revista sobre tendencias en I+D+i de la Plataforma Tecnológica Española del Agua (PTEA), n.° 4, December 2022, 58-63. ⇒
Fernández Escalante, E., Henao Casas, J.D. & Gil, R.C. (2021): Sugerencias para las futuras directrices europeas de recarga intencionada de acuíferos con aguas regeneradas y de otras fuentes. - Revista sobre tendencias en I+D+i de la Plataforma Tecnológica Española del Agua (PTEA), n.° 3, December 2021, 15-18. ⇒
Hugman, R., Doherty, J. & Standen, K. (2021): Model-Based Assessment of Coastal Aquifer Management Options. - A GMDSI worked example report, National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training, Flinders University, South Australia, 52 p. ⇒
MARSOL (Demonstrating Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Solution to Water Scarcity and Drought, 2013-2016) was a European FP7 project and a predecessor project to MARSoluT.
Pouliaris, C., Foglia, L., Schüth, C. & Kallioras, A. (2021): Groundwater Flow Model Calibration of a Coastal Multilayer Aquifer System Based on Statistical Sensitivity Analysis. - Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10666-021-09779-1
Rossetto, R., Barbagli, A., De Filippis, G., Marchina, C., Vienken, T. & Mazzanti, G. (2020): Importance of the Induced Recharge Term in Riverbank Filtration: Hydrodynamics, Hydrochemical, and Numerical Modelling Investigations. - Hydrology, 7(4), 96. DOI: 10.3390/hydrology7040096
Barba, C., Folch, A., Gaju, N., Sanchez-Vila, X., Carrasquilla, M., Grau-Martínez, A. & Martínez-Alonso, M. (2019): Microbial community changes induced by Managed Aquifer Recharge activities: linking hydrogeological and biological processes. - Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 139-154. DOI: 10.5194/hess-23-139-2019
Pouliaris, C., Perdikaki, M., Foglia, L., Schüth, C. & Kallioras, A. (2018): Hydrodynamic analysis of a Mediterranean aquifer system with the use of hydrochemical and isotopical analysis as supporting tools. - Environmental Earth Sciences, 77: 237. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-018-7418-2
Barbagli, A., Jensen, B.N., Raza, M., Schüth, C. & Rossetto, R. (2018): Assessment of soil buffer capacity on nutrients and pharmaceuticals in nature-based solution applications. - Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. (2018). DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3515-8
Ganot, Y., Holtzman, R., Weisbrod, N., Bernstein, A., Siebner, H., Katz, Y. & Kurtzman, D. (2018): Managed aquifer recharge with reverse-osmosis desalinated seawater: modeling the spreading in groundwater using stable water isotopes. - Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 6323-6333. DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-6323-2018
Rodríguez-Escales, P., Canelles, A., Sanchez-Vila, X., Folch, A., Kurtzman, D., Rossetto, R., Fernández-Escalante, E., Lobo-Ferreira, J.-P., Sapiano, M., San-Sebastián, J. & Schüth, C. (2018): A risk assessment methodology to evaluate the risk failure of managed aquifer recharge in the Mediterranean Basin. - Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 3213-3227.
Silver, M., Knöller, K., Schlögl, J., Kübeck, C. & Schüth, C. (2018): Nitrogen cycling and origin of ammonium during infiltration of treated wastewater for managed aquifer recharge. - Applied Geochemistry, 97, 71-80; DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.08.003.
Silver, M., Selke, S., Balsaa, P., Wefer-Roehl, A., Kübeck, C. & Schüth, C. (2018): Fate of five pharmaceuticals under different infiltration conditions for managed aquifer recharge. - Science of the Total Environment, 642, 914-924; DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.120.
San Sebastián Sauto, J., Fernández Escalante, E., Calero Gil, R., Carvalho, T. & Rodríguez-Escales, P. (2018): Characterization and benchmarking of seven managed aquifer recharge systems in south-western Europe. - Sustain. Water Resour. Manag., 4 (2), 193-215; DOI: 10.1007/s40899-018-0232-x.
Ganot, Y., Holtzman, R., Weisbrod, N., Nitzan, I., Katz, Y. & Kurtzman, D. (2017): Monitoring and modeling infiltration–recharge dynamics of managed aquifer recharge with desalinated seawater. - Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 4479-4493.
Martins, T., Leitão, T. & Carvalho, M. (2017): Assessment of Wastewater Contaminants Retention for a Soil-aquifer Treatment System Using Soil-column Experiments. - Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 17, 332-335; DOI: 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.084.
Hugman, R., Stigter, T., Costa, L. & Monteiro, J.P. (2017): Numerical modelling assessment of climate-change impacts and mitigation measures on the Querença-Silves coastal aquifer (Algarve, Portugal). - Hydrogeology Journal, 25 (7), 2105-2121.
Damigos, D., Tentes, G., Balzarini, M., Furlanis, F. & Vianello, A. (2017): Revealing the economic value of managed aquifer recharge: Evidence from a contingent valuation study in Italy. - Water Resources Research, Volume 53 (8), 6597-6611. DOI: 10.1002/2016WR020281.
Tsangaratos, P., Kallioras, A., Pizpikis, P., Vasileiou, E., Ilia, I. & Pliakas, F. (2017): Multi-criteria Decision Support System (DSS) for optimal locations of Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) facilities - Science of The Total Environment, 603, 472-486.
Rodríguez-Escales, P., Fernández-García, D., Drechsel, J., Folch, A. & Sanchez-Vila, X. (2017): Improving degradation of benzotriazoles by applying chaotic advection in Managed Aquifer Recharge in randomly heterogeneous porous media. - Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2016WR020333.
Guttman, J., Negev, I. & Rubin, G. (2017): Design and Testing of Recharge Wells in a Coastal Aquifer: Summary of Field Scale Pilot Tests. - Water, 9, 53; doi:10.3390/w9010053
Hugman, R., Stigter, T., Costa, L. & Monteiro, J.P. (2017): Modeling Nitrate-contaminated Groundwater Discharge to the Ria Formosa Coastal Lagoon (Algarve, Portugal). - Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 17, 650-653.
Vienken, T., Huber, E., Kreck, M., Huggenberger, P. & Dietrich, P. (2017): How to chase a tracer – combining conventional salt tracer testing and direct push electrical conductivity profiling for enhanced aquifer characterization. - Adv. Water Resour., 99, 60-66.
Ronen-Eliraz, G., Russak, A., Nitzan, I., Guttman, J. & Kurtzman, D. (2017): Investigating geochemical aspects of managed aquifer recharge by column experiments with alternating desalinated water and groundwater. - Sci. Total Environ., 574, 1174-1181.
Rodríguez-Escales, P., Folch, A., Vidal-Gavilan, G. & van Breukelen, B.M. (2016): Modeling biogeochemical processes and isotope fractionation of enhanced in situ biodenitrification in a fractured aquifer. - Chem. Geol., 425, 52-64.
Neves, M.C., Costa, L. & Monteiro, J.P. (2016): Climatic and geologic controls on the piezometry of the Querença-Silves karst aquifer, Algarve (Portugal). - Hydrogeology Journal, 24 (4), 1015-1028.
Sanchez-Vila, X., Vàzquez-Suñé, E., Rodríguez-Escales, P., Jurado, A., Folch, A., Carles-Brangarí, A., Carrera, J. & Fernàndez-Garcia, D. (2015): Emerging Organic Contaminants in Aquifers: Sources, Transport, Fate, and Attenuation. - Book Chapter in: Emerging Contaminants in River Ecosystems, Volume 46 of the series The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, pp. 47-75; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Rebelo, M. & Pereira, A.P. (2015): Groundwater Protection and Preservation. Results from a survey to Portuguese farmers. - Lisbon, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Proc. 0804/111/1893804, Rel 101/2015, 42 p.
Grau-Martínez, A., Carrey, R., Torrentó, C., Folch, A., Solera, A. & Otero, N. (2015): Evaluation of two carbon sources for inducing denitrification: Batch and column experiments. - Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 13, 124-128.
Dutta, T., Carles-Brangarí, A., Fernàndez-Garcia, D., Rubol, S., Tirado-Conde, J. & Sanchez-Vila, X. (2015): Vadose zone oxygen (O2) dynamics during drying and wetting cycles: An artificial recharge laboratory experiment. - Journal of Hydrology, 527, 151-159.
Rahbaralam, M., Fernandez-Garcia, D. & Sanchez-Vila, X. (2015): Do we really need a large number of particles to simulate bimolecular reactive transport with random walk methods? A kernel density estimation approach. - Journal of Computational Physics, 303, 95-104.
San Sebastián Sauto, J., Fernández Escalante, E. & González Herrarte, FdeB. (2015): La Recarga Gestionada en Santiuste: 13 Años de Usos y Servicios Múltiples para la Comunidad Rural. - Revista Tierras, 234, 78-85; Valladolid.
Rossetto, R., Barbagli, A., Borsi, I., Mazzanti, M., Vienken, T. & Bonari, E. (2015): Site investigation and design of the monitoring system at the Sant`Alessio Induced RiverBank Filtration plant (Lucca, Italy). - Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 35, 248-251.
Armengol, S., Sanchez-Vila, X. & Folch, A. (2014): An approach to aquifer vulnerability including uncertainty in a spatial random function framework. - Journal of Hydrology, 517, 889-900; Elsevier.
Rubol, S., Freixa, A., Carles-Brangarí, A., Fernàndez-Garcia, D., Romaní, A.M. & Sanchez-Vila, X. (2014): Connecting bacterial colonization to physical and biochemical changes in a sand box infiltration experiment. - Journal of Hydrology, 517, 317-327; Elsevier.
Riva, M., Sanchez-Vila, X. & Guadagnini, A. (2014): Estimation of spatial covariance of log conductivity from particle size data. - Water Resour. Res., 50, 5298-5308; doi:10.1002/2014WR015566.
Vienken, T., Kreck, M., Hausmann, J., Werban, U. & Dietrich, P. (2014): Innovative strategies for high resolution site characterization: application to a flood plain. - Acque Sotterranee, Italian Journal of Groundwater, AS11053: 7-14.
Borsi, I., Mazzanti, G., Barbagli, A. & Rossetto, R. (2014): L'impianto di ricarica riverbank filtration di S. Alessio (Lucca): attività di monitoraggio e modellistica nel progetto EU FP7 MARSOL. - Acque Sotterranee, Italian Journal of Groundwater, 3/137, 67-70.
Bonfanti, M.E. & Capone, F. (2014): A preliminary assessment of the Normative Framework regulating MAR schemes in Europe: the EU Directives and their Implementation in nine National Legislations. - Acque Sotterranee, Italian Journal of Groundwater, 3/137, 61-66.
Lobo Ferreira, J.P. & Leitão, T.E. (2014): Demonstrating managed aquifer recharge as a solution for climate change adaptation: results from Gabardine project and asemwaterNet coordination action in the Algarve region (Portugal). - Acque Sotterranee, Italian Journal of Groundwater, 3/137, 15-22.
Rossetto, R. & Bonari, E. (2014): Il futuro della ricarica delle falde in condizioni controllate in Italia: il progetto europeo FPVII MARSOL e la EIP on Water MAR to MARKET. - Acque Sotterranee, Italian Journal of Groundwater, 3/137, 9-12.
Carrey, R., Rodríguez-Escales, P., Otero, N., Ayora, C., Soler, A. & Gómez-Alday, J.J. (2014): Nitrate attenuation potential of hypersaline lake sediments in central Spain: Flow-through and batch experiments. - Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 164, 323–337; Elsevier.
MARSoluT - Managed Aquifer Recharge Solutions Training Network - is a four-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Commission.
Coordination & Contact:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schüth
Darmstadt Technical University
Applied Geosciences
Schnittspahnstr. 9
64287 Darmstadt
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